Of all his "friends" your "the one"
Since birth, by his side
picnics, naps, magic carpet rides.
Always with the "cold" side toward his body
through sickness and health a faithful buddy.
While on a visit you were misplaced
The flu checked in and Owen paced
Longing for his faithful companion and friend
No substitutes for you, on that he wouldn't bend.
In times past I'd hoped you'd be outgrown
But when you were gone I knew what I had known.
Seven years not quite long enough to let go, I see.
You are welcome here as long as you need to be.
There will come a day when in a memory box you will rest
I will find you, smile, maybe sigh because he's left our nest.
Remembering your place atop my child while he dreamed
and wonder why I ever wanted you to leave.
I often become annoyed when "yellow blankie" has to come with us or is misplaced in the couch cushion at bed time. Owen stayed with a friend and somehow "yellow blankie" was stuffed behind a dresser (probably because of his obsessive need to protect blankie)and was unfound for about a week. When it wasn't here, I felt the same emptiness that Owen felt. It has been a constant part of his world since he was a newborn and when I checked on him before turning in there was an odd feeling of loss. I know it's just a blanket...but it's not. It's his comfortable friend and a memory in the making.
1 comment:
Oh Betty, this makes me sad! I am so sorry. It was not Owens fault but Austins. He "cleaned " his room and in doing so everything on the floor and on his bed went behind the dresser. What can I say, he cleans like his daddy...out of sight out of mind, lol. I am glad it was found...for both of you, hahaha.
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