First call of the day from my best friend. Heidi. She is the kind of friend who is so much like you in some ways, it's eerie but totally a God orchestrated connection, and in the ways that you differ, you want to be just like her. She is moving....700 miles away. Did I mention this has become a trend in my life? I am not the kind of person who has hundreds of friends, which is not a sad thing, it's just how I'm made. I like intimate friendships. I am incapable of small talk. So though my friendships may not be many, they run deep. However, these few, near and dear friends have all eventually moved away. We keep in touch and friendships remain strong but I miss the daily to weekly interaction with them. Not what this post is about but this pattern has become increasingly annoying. I know, I know, God is probably stretching me but honestly right now I don't care.
TODAY'S POST IS DEDICATED TO HEIDI. Her husband is the former youth pastor at our church where Jerry and I served with them in that ministry. On a surface level, Heidi and I have lots in common so our friendship was easy from the beginning. She has challenged me with her countenance to be the wife God wants me to be to my husband. She and her husband have encouraged Jerry and I to serve as individually gifted sons and daughters of our Creator. She is real. Not the stereo-typical, TV version of a pastor's wife. She struggles like the rest of us. Even though she doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve(because she is also incredibly strong), when she opens that part of her to you, you will be a blessed friend. Sometimes when we have chatted, I walk away thinking "I am a horrible friend. She was so sincerely interested in my life, I didn't get a chance to ask all about hers!"
She is faithful in seeking God's heart and it usually finds her. In fact, it consistanly abides in her. I love you Heidi. I genuinely pray that your path will be a source of renewal, adventure and risk. You are my hero too.
that is exactly how I remember Heidi...she has only grown closer to God! What a tear jerker...and I know what you mean with the friends...everytime I get close to someone at church...they move, to another state as well.
what a coincidence, Heidi's my best friend too. Sorry for taking her away - but hey, you'll just have to vacation our way. Thanks for being such a sweetheart to her this last year - you and Jerry are dear to us and a real blessing.
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