I have a journal that I write down all the witty, kind, embarrassing and hilarious things that my boys say. I've done it since they were able to speak and today I'm posting some of the latest. I need some laughter and distraction amid all this snow, falling temperatures and dreariness.
Tanner(wise or cynical, however you see it, beyond his 9 years)
* After understanding that a friend of his has 2 half brothers, we were trying to delicately explain how that happens when he replied "So his mommy has children with 3 different daddies and let me guess, she's only been married to one!" Spoken, yes, in a public place. Next time we'll save that discussion for at home!
*"I already met my reading goal mom. There's no need to do more than that."
*While sitting in time-out he asks "How long have I been sitting here?"...."About four minutes."..."Well see, I'm four minutes older, I'm not as foolish as I was then, can I get up now?"
*"I have to get more of my clay pots made for our silent auction, so I can help make money for the wrestling team."
Owen,7-the wild, kind heart.
*"Have you been 'overelmed' again mom? Your forgetting stuff."
*"Mom guess what!?! I broke a kid's elbow at wrestling because I am just that strong!"
*"Mom when are you going to have another 'Taste Bud' party?" He meant Tastefully Simple.
Samuel,5-the silly one.
*"Mom, if you want to sell more purses you should put money in the pockets. They'd sell for sure!"
*"I have a lot of gas in me"
*"Make me some hot chocolate! I'm the king so that allows me to make demands on you!" After I made him a tin foil crown.
*"I just killed a dragon in my room!"
I love going back and reading these comments so much that I will probably make this a more regular posting. I hope, like me, it made you smile.
I love it. I wish I could be more like you. I need to write things down more. Post more!!!
You don't need to be like me. Your an awesome Mommy and I know there are qualities I'd like to glean from you...Thanks Tessa.
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