Friday, January 9, 2009

Taking Chances

"What do ya say to taking chances?"~Celine Dion. My husband and I were having this conversation last night. Or at least I was saying that to him. My husband is very laid back most of the time, sailing through life w/o a care, immune to stress(most of the time). I am not. I am the more scheduled, duty, responsibility partner. I get overwhelmed. Stressed. And Worried.
We are content where we are in life. Grounded relationship with God. Happy marriage. 3 Healthy kids. In the process-of-being-beautiful home.
However, I am also a dreamer. At 31 years old I decided I wanted to do something new and exciting to generate supplemental income and one day become a conglomerate. I started sewing. First, diaper bags, then purses. Living in a very rural area, I was pleasantly surprised to see how well this "purse thing" had taken off. It has been incredible. As a stay at home mom, there are times of feeling very unaccomplished. Usually only in my own perception, but it's a very real emotion. So the purses allow that creative side of me to flow. At the same time a sense of completion. Finishing a task that 3 little tornadoes cannot destroy. Well it's time to take some steps toward growth and expansion....which makes my husband panic. Risk. That seems to be his Achilles heel. Ah ha! I found it!(just kidding)
And we had this long conversation of being "too content". Maybe I mean too comfortable. Life happens and sometimes we just let it. I want to be a vibrant, shining participant. I don't want mediocrity to be the standard. Not just in business but in everything! You may have read a couple of days ago that a dear friend is moving. It's a great story,, if your interested. They have four kids and are just packing it up and moving to Georgia. I admire that. They don't know exactly what GA. will hold for them but their taking a chance. I want more of that in my life. Risk. Adventure. Allowing God to bring to fruition the dreams that I dream. Taking Chances.

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