It occurred to me today why my husband thinks that I am "sometimes"...crazy. I am not indecisive, in fact indecisiveness is a pet peeve of mine. I am an impatient, "say what you mean!" personality. However, there are "sometimes" moments in my life. Like today.
I have a set of wine glasses that I use for entertaining or quiet times with my husband. Occasionally, I will use them at the dinner table with special dinnerware, candles, the whole nine! I once read, you should never do something for a friend that you don't do for your own family, and I've made it a rule of thumb in my hostessing ritual. It thrills the boys when they see the beautifully set table and ask "who's coming over?" and I say..."No One!, we're celebrating us!!" We recently had such a night, same blessed, predictable result. If your still following me, I have a point....I am "sometimes" crazy. I walk into the kitchen tonight to see said wine glass filled with milk. "Who got the wine glass down?" Husband replies "I did". I didn't COMPLETELY over-react when he said "I thought it was okay because you let them use them for dinner", but I did react and said well it is okay, "sometimes"! (you know, when I say so!) To his logical, black and white mind, I am "nuts!", it's just a glass.
As I mentioned yesterday, we had a sheep who passed away, he was another "sometimes". I don't have an inherent gravitation toward animals. I complain about the stupidity of our now, four dogs and the moodiness of our cat. But "sometimes" a sweet, woolly, newborn lamb will tug at the heartstrings..... and drives the husband "nuts". "I can't believe you have no compassion for a dog but you love this sheep who poops on the porch every time we let him out, that's crazy!" he said.
Not wanting to bore you with my attention to detail I will list some of my other contradictions with bullets, my poor husband!
- I like a clean, organized home but when I'm feeling creative, it "sometimes" looks like a fabric/craft store exploded. You should see my sewing closet..crazy!
- I love fashion and clothing. I worked as a hair stylist before children, I design and sell purses but my poor husband sees more ponytails and jogging pants than one person should..crazy!
- I love when my husband listens to my long stories or rants but "sometimes" when he's speaking I insist he just gives me "the bottom line".....crazy(and rude)!
- I shine my sink several times a day with window cleaner but I could "sometimes" care less if my windows are washed(who can keep up with all those fingerprints anyway)...crazy.
These are only the ones that I am not completely embarrassed to share. Dear husband, I am sorry. I guess it is a women's prerogative to change her mind and contradict herself but it is a man's right to be annoyed by it. Thank you for always treating my "sometimes" as cute idiosyncrasies instead of intolerable gray in your black and white world. I love you.
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