We've decided to add on to our little home. Nothing major just another bedroom and bathroom. My existence in this house requires it. It's not a necessity, I realize but it will be a wonderful treat. My hubby has proposed that in this male infested house, I need my own space for bathing and bathroom time in general. It will be nice to go to the restroom and not step in the puddle on the floor that has been left by poor aim.......yeah.
I'm wanting to do a reasonably spacious bath with walk-in shower, tub, double sink/vanity and of course a throne. Design has been more difficult than I imagined. I love to decorate but I usually step in well after construction is completed. So for fun, here are a few I like, let me know what you think and if you have links to any AFFORDABLE great bath spaces, send them my way!
when you get to this point in all of it, go to ikea. they have the best bathroom stuff and at a reasonable price. sinks, toilets, etc.
We have been remodeling our house for what seems like an eternity and I have gotten so much help from a this website http://ths.gardenweb.com/forums/
they have a special forum just for bathrooms and also one for decorating which is great! Maybe you can find some useful info there :)
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