"Let Emotions Subside Before You Decide"~Joyce Meyer.
Though I know who she is, I've never read a single book by this author. I saw this quotation on a friend's facebook list of favorite quotes. I usually never pay any attention to this type of info via facebook, but this one caught my attention. I love one-liners, however I like to stumble upon them unexpectedly while reading, I'm not one to "bogart"(my hubby will love that I used that word) someone else's inspirational tid-bits.
My emotions have been all over the place lately. I react waaaayyy too intensely when Jerry fails to see my grand vision for our upcoming addition of a master bed/bath. Poor guy, my creative yet obsessive mind is running faster than my lips can speak and I leave him with no concrete decisions and a pile of confusion. Therefore, I'm frustrated that he can't read my mind, I'm unreasonable.
We've returned to a church that we had left about two years ago. Our exit came on the heels of what we witnessed as a body who professed to love Christ but exhibited a hate for His followers. OF COURSE not the whole body...there are still many believers there that we love dearly and are so excited to reconnect with. But going back has been a huge challenge, mostly for me. Jerry is a very forgiving soul. I am a soul who thinks I have forgiven someone, until I see that someone. I repeatedly found myself sitting in the pew, fuming. Until God said "enough is enough". He has broken a barrier in me that only He could and I'm finding renewed love and understanding. Roller Coaster.
This will seem ridiculous to most but I have spent the last few days(and still not completed) cleaning out our 1955 basement. I have an irrational fear of spiders The job has taken much longer than it should because every time I move something I jump five feet back just in case a harry, black or brown, eight-legged creature pounces on my foot(which is covered by my sneakers but doesn't comfort me in anyway). Every time the air conditioner comes on and a slight breeze brushes my hair, I scream, swat and dance, certain it's a spider. I can't sleep at night because I know if those devil-possessed creations are down stairs they are more than capable of making it into my bedroom! I feel them crawling on my neck as I write. EWWWWW! By the time I'm finished my arsenal of Ortho Home Defense and I will have covered every square inch of that dungeon. I can't explain it, but the gut-wrenching apprehension literally makes me want to throw up. Don't begin to tell me that fear is a result of not trusting God. I trust that one day when He sets up his kingdom here, He will completely eradicate that species, realizing we have suffered enough through it's existence.
It's all of these types of things, big and small, that I have been completely over-emotional about. In all areas of my life I need to step back, not just when I see spiders, take a breath and think before I decide on an action. I am becoming too reactionary as I add year to my life. I was struck by this quote, stolen or not, I am going to wake up tomorrow and repeat it.
1 comment:
you and jerry sound so much like me and dave. he is the rational and usually more forgiving of the two of us. :) EXCEPT....I yes I amd the spider killer in our house. dave can kill any kind of animal, except spiders. funny.
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