Friday, October 10, 2008

Let's Play

Tonight was a night my husband had to work and we miss him so much when he works the weekends. But it was a beautiful evening, not to be wasted.
When he walked out the door, I felt a sense of boredom and knew my kids would be feeling it soon. So I said "let's play!" We went a new playground in our area and had the best time. I never grow tired of hearing "Mommy, watch this!"
I swung, was "put in jail", got dizzy, made them dizzy and just enjoyed their world.
Laughter is a great place to live.

1 comment:

Heather of the EO said...

This is such a beautiful post. I so often feel the boredom in my own head and heart and let it steal the joy of moments with my children. I just love how you turned it around and went to jail and got dizzy. :)
