Monday, September 22, 2008

Slight Mood Change

Okay, Okay, I've calmed down.....a little. Today was a really good day for my family. Nothing monumental, just lots of talking and laughing over dinner, story time @ the library, the simplicity I mentioned in a previous post. This is what God gives me when I need to be centered and focused on what my mission is. That doesn't mean that I am over my post content of yesterday-not by a long shot! but I look at my kids and I think how can I exibit the benefit of God's grace and love if I am so angry all the time? Anger is a human emotion that was given to me by God and his command is "be angry and sin not".Right? I'm not sure if my love for brutal truth is sin, and if it is, I ask for forgiveness but I try to be real in everything I do. I want my kids to see authenticity, recognize it, be accepting of it, and live it themselves. This may all seem random but in my head I know exactly what I'm saying and what I mean.

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