If you've read my blog you may think I'm pretty pessimistic. I would say more skeptical but as of late, pessimistic is probably appropriate. If there is one thing I can't stand, a pet peeve per se, is censorship. I love the truth even when it hurts. If you see a behavior in me that needs reproof, I may break down like a crying newborn but I am so thankful for the fact that you loved me enough to bring it to me, face to face, here it is, work it out, truth.
Church Politics has entered into my life and quite frankly, it sucks! Our church is in pursuit of a new "lead" pastor. This should be a fairly smooth transition....but a year? Come on! However sometimes when people are given power they have never had before, they tend to push their own agenda instead of looking in the best interest of the body, and God's intentions. God fearing, people loving, innocent, individuals have been stratigically tripped, to fall in the mud, rolled around in that mud and left sheilding themselves from the slinging of that mud as they gracefully walk away from a battle that should have never been launced. You may say, if this church is led by God how can there be a problem? Well, man has free will, always has, that is why the world is in the state it is today(a whole other blog for another day). Many men believe they know better than God. Anyone familiar with Peter? Of course they would never say that out loud, it's more of a heart attitude. Maybe they aren't even aware of it. Because it's hidden. Until it's not.
We are not children who need protected and given half truths. Lay it out, how it is so we can make informed, prayer led decisions. That is all we wanted.
The longer this process takes the more deceptiveness is revealed. Screened questions, forced departures, smear campaigns=divided body. I've been sitting on a lot of this for a while now, not wanting to divide. That time has passed and I feel this is actually more like a plea or a defense. When people start a destructive process and leave when they don't achieve their goal, they should stay gone. We are still here trying to pick up the pieces and the pouring of toxic waste(via social networking websites) on top of the debris is only infecting people trying to rebuild and move on. And when you attempt to infect our body, at least give them all the facts, not just opinions and open ended surveys. What is that song? "High School Never Ends".... We're all grown ups here, let's act like it. Remember who we are to be glorifying and what He really thinks of all this.
Search Him. Open your hearts. Hear the Word. Give Forgiveness generously. Recieve it graciously. Be Real. Be You. Allow me to be me. Different is just different.
I am cautiously optimistic as a new candidate has been announced. My prayer is that he will be as strong a leader that is needed to give loving rebuke to a church divided.