Over the weekend, Jerry had to work, it was cold outside and of course, it's the holiday season, so we've been very busy. Our house is constantly under (self-inflicted)construction and even though I love it here, I haven't created that "haven" since we moved 11 months ago! We've shared meals and done the normal family "routine", but have been lacking some play time recently. So we decided to have a pajama day. We agreed very early
in the morning (5am to be exact, gotta love early risers, right?) that we would stay in our PJ's all day and just have fun. We began our morning watching some classic Christmas cartoons with all 3 boys piled on and around me on the couch. Next came the glue gun, at the boys' suggestion. The boys always attend the "Build n Grow" workshops at Lowe's(if you don't already, you should. Kids love it and it's FREE!)and with their projects receive a badge to put on their little woodworker's apron. We were so behind, sorting and dividing all the badges was a game in itself. Then we built some of those Lowe's projects that we had laying around the house. Tanner took it a step further and gathered sticks from the woods behind our house. He wanted to make a birdhouse with them. Well they at least got nailed together....oh well, it was fun!!!
Dinner was next. A menu they planned. Macaroni & Cheese and Mandarin Oranges. YUM! We set the table together and it was all ready when Daddy came home..to a messy house. He didn't care he was just so proud of his boys (and me, ha ha) for working and playing so well together.
When the day ended, I spent five minutes laying next to each one in their beds and just discussing their worlds.
When I walked out from the last conversation, I told Jer, "This is the kind of Mommy I want to be everyday", one who is a little more familiar than this "crazy lady" of late.
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