I can't believe we're celebrating 6 years of your life! Our third and final addition to our family. Daddy didn't believe that we were pregnant as I spoke through laughter-a side effect of the shock. I couldn't fathom #3 coming before #2 reached age two! What! We can't deny that we secretly hoped you would be a girl. The day I laid on the noisy, paper covered table for the ultrasound, cold jelly, clicking computer keys, I looked at the technician and my mommy senses(kind of like Spidey-Senses, without the webs) took over and I stated "It's a boy, right?" "Yes, it's a boy". Knowing that we had two boys already she asked "Are you okay?" ....."Of course I'm okay, I'm having a healthy baby." Although after having 2 little men and agonizing over the perfect names for them as well, we had read, discussed and dismissed every boy name except one....Samuel. The meaning of your name will differ slightly depending on the text. "God Listens" is the one that glued your title to our hearts. We weren't planning or even thinking about conception but the moment you were placed in my womb, we understood that you were a desire that we didn't realize we had, but God knew. He knew that you would complete our family. That you would have the sweetest, perfectly spaced tooth, smile that sometimes makes it difficult to discipline you. You would be such a pleasant baby, sometimes one would ask "Where's Sam?" when you were right next to me, quiet as a mouse. You would grow into an entertaining toddler with his mom's gift/curse of always having the last word and a face as handsome as your daddy. You love mac & cheese, muscle shirts, "long" pants, turtles, Gnaden Park, your puppy, Aunt Tam's house, sticks and snake hunting. You had your final round of immunizations that will thrust you into the approaching world of school...you buried you head into Daddy's chest, tears were few and you were brave. You are an amazing young man with a heart for adventure, friendships and kisses. I joke about the freedom I will have as you move into the next adventure but the truth is I will miss the sewing lessons you give me, the aliens we destroy with the help of our alien dog, and the presence of you feet running up the hallway in the morning to kiss my cheek(because you have to brush your teeth first) and ALL the countless ways you brighten my day. I am so thankful for the one on one time we have been given together the past two years with "the brothers" in school. I hope they will reside in your soul like they do in mine. I love you my beautiful boy. Happy Birthday Samuel.
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5 years ago