Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why I'm a GOOD Mom

Heather of the Extraordinary Ordinary has one of those blogs that every mother can relate to: honest, heartfelt, and just so funny. She came up with the beautiful idea for us mothers to take a break from our mommy guilt and write a post listing all of the things that we are doing well as a mother. (totally plagiarized this first paragraph from Jess,One Wild and Precious Life, but I loved the idea as well)

1. I encourage my boys to be their best selves in everything that they attempt.

2. They are affectionate toward us because we are affectionate with them.

3. Just today, Tanner asked Owen if he wanted to pack or buy his lunch for school. Pack, of course. He took inventory of the cupboards for Owen's faves and packed his lunch for him.
I hope it was because I enjoy serving others.

4. I allow them to express themselves even when they want to wear running pants to church instead of khaki's.

5. I have given them confidence. They lead among their friends and would just as soon play alone if no one will follow. They are comfortable in their own skin.

6. I have given them compassion, imagination and creativity. They love to make cards for friends in need of sympathy or just because. Tanner will fill a notebook with "illustrations" and I become the "author". He is even beginning to write on his own. Their artwork is praised and displayed on the gallery that is my refrigerator.

7. I am not a social butterfly but I try to stick close to the friends I have and so do they.

8. I exhibit that healthy relationships are filled with the messiness of emotion. Not just one's total agreeance with the other.

9. They understand who God is and what he has done in mine, Jerry's and most recently Tanner's life. His grace and Mercy have been applied to them through us.

10. Love of Creation: they have a gentleness with babies, animals and our environment.

11. I am honest even when it's hard. When they get a "check mark" at school, they tell me before I have to ask or find a note from the teacher.

12. I apologize to them when I overreact or show lack of patience.

13. I give them a safe haven. When they land here, whatever happened today can be set at the table along with dinner or in the safety of my ear as they lay their head on my shoulder.

14. I've given them the joy of reading- we make at least one trip to the library every week.

15. I give discipline in sandwich form: GRACE[discipline]LOVE...(with kisses on top)

16. Birthdays & Holidays

17. I enjoy my "me time" it is a necessity for my sanity. They take time to just be still away from busyness.

18. Unconditional love, for real, not just in word but action. Something I lacked growing up.

19. I know their love languages.

20. They are forgiving(Um...that might be more from my husband, oops). No matter how I may have responded, rushed or ranted through the day, every nite w/o fail they still want me to tuck them in...kisses and all....transgressions erased.

I guess when I look at it from this window the glass is much cleaner..thanks Heather and Jess for inspiring me. I have tears in my eyes filled with gratitude that I am blessed enough to be called "Mommy"


Heather of the EO said...

Beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to do this. I hope it felt good to remember you're doing an excellent job.


Jessica Stock said...

Betty I think you are an incredible mom! I love the sandwich example the best! I think that just says it all!